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dc.contributor.authorGalatska, Valentyna-
dc.contributor.authorFilipenko, Viktoria-
dc.contributor.authorMamchych, Inna-
dc.contributor.authorDashko, Nataliia-
dc.contributor.authorNechyporenko, Svitlana-
dc.identifier.citationGalatska V. Conceptual View of the World and Means of Its Media Interpretation in Modern Theatrical Journalism of Ukraine / V. Galatska, V. Filipenko, I. Mamchych, N. Dashko, S. Nechyporenko // Studies in Media and Communication, Vol 10, No 3 (2022). P. 84-91.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the methods of media interpretation of the worldview are shown in the ambiguity of the theatrical concept of view of the world in modern art. This is an important problem of the scientific tools development for the combination of different theatrical journalistic approaches, which are considered around the industry of mass culture, and have an impact on the development of social values in times of war tension. The conceptual view of the world in theatrical journalism allows a comprehensive approach to the diverse expression of symbolism, which the subjects build and reconstruct in the cultural field, demarcated in various institutional spaces. The purpose of the study is to consider the characteristics and elements of the communicative content of cultural and spiritual aspects of the worldview in the current space of theatre journalism. The following methods were used to achieve the stated purposes: system, content analysis method, and comparative. The work results determined that the concept of the modern worldview of Ukraine makes it possible to historically restore cultural traditions and their expression as a sample of the cultural structure the analysis. Theatre as a cultural element of a person forms their personality, starting with parallel events of present, based on a set of principles of society and culture. Philosophical structures, religions or political systems provide an interpretive basis with a complex vision, and sometimes with a resistant to changes vision. It was identified that questions about the world are inextricably connected with the development of culture and art. Possible answers to these questions are concentrated in works of art, the structure of which is based on original intuitions, concepts, categories, truths of the mind, axioms and symbols. All these factors create a semantic network that materialises in essential aspects of any human community. The practical significance is in the use of the work results by theatre journalists for the development of Ukrainian culture and independence during the Russo-Ukrainian war.uk_UA
dc.publisherPublished by Redfame Publishinguk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudies in Media and Communication;Vol 10, No 3 (2022)-
dc.subjectintellectual valuesuk_UA
dc.subjectRussian aggressionuk_UA
dc.subjectnational artuk_UA
dc.subjecttheatrical journalismuk_UA
dc.titleConceptual View of the World and Means of Its Media Interpretation in Modern Theatrical Journalism of Ukraineuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра гуманітарної підготовки, філософії та митної ідентифікації культурних цінностей

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