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dc.contributor.authorMIROSHNICHENKO, S.-
dc.identifier.citationMIROSHNICHENKO S. Modernization of transport and Customs infrastructure for the supply of liquefied natural gas market in Ukraine / S. MIROSHNICHENKO // Customs Scientific Journal. – 2017. - № 2. – Р. 61 – 71uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2308-6971 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn2518-1599 (Online)-
dc.description.abstractIn the scientific paper the evaluation of the development directions and increasing the efficiency of the logistics network of Liquefied Petroleum Gas terminals in the Trans-Dnieper region as elements of the regional energy transport and Customs infrastructure has been made. As a result of the statistical analysis of the fuel market in Ukraine it has been determined that the growing market of liquefied gas does not have a sufficient level of infrastructure to carry out operations of transshipment and storage within the Customs territory of Ukraine. The key role of efficient freight traffic handling for the successful functioning and integrated development of both the state economy and the regions has been identified. The development of regional energy transport and Customs infrastructure has been defined as one of the key factors for achieving energy independence. Based on the proposed approaches to the development of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas transport and Customs terminals, the possibility of creating an appropriate infrastructure on the example of the Dnieper region of Ukraine has been shown. The main scientific outcome of the paper includes designing principle approaches to the development of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas infrastructure of the region in the context of its infrastructure support on the basis of a logistics approach. The obtained results and elaborated recommendations represent a methodological basis for the development of the transport and Customs infrastructure of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas market in the context of infrastructure provision in the region. The results that are of the greatest practical importance involve proposals for the procedure of conducting a situational assessment of the regional transport system development, usage of the territorial approach to the analysis of the improving the transport system in Ukraine and its regions as well as a sequence of actions to apply a logistics approach to the transport system enhancing in the region. The proposed methodology can be applied at various administrative and territorial levels and allows potential investors to make deliberate decisions as for the placement of elements of the logistics transport and Customs infrastructure, taking into account the assessment of the infrastructure state in the region while defining its location and significance under the conditions of the domestic and foreign goods exchange expansion.uk_UA
dc.publisherУніверситет митної справи та фінансівuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCustoms Scientific Journal.;2017. - № 2.-
dc.subjectlogistics terminaluk_UA
dc.subjectdiversification of suppliesuk_UA
dc.subjectcargo traffic handlinguk_UA
dc.titleModernization of transport and Customs infrastructure for the supply of liquefied natural gas market in Ukraineuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Customs 2017/2

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