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dc.contributor.authorPasichnyk, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMALLNOW, V.-
dc.contributor.authorKUTYREV, V.-
dc.identifier.citationPasichnyk A. CUSTOMS RESTRICTED FACILITIES WITHIN THE LOGISTICS TRANSPORT AND CUSTOMS COMPLEX / A. PASICHNYK, V. MALLNOW, V. KUTYREV // Customs Scientific Journal. – 2017. - № 2. – Р. 31 – 53uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2518-1599 (Online)-
dc.identifier.issn2308-6971 (Print)-
dc.description.abstractThis article provides the analysis of functioning of Customs restricted facilities and their classification by type, sets their relationship, offers the optimal structure of a logistics transport and Customs complex, analyzes the ways to optimize the interaction of all the regulatory authorities in the process of Customs clearance. The necessity of using the up-to-date modern information technologies is proved. As a result of the statistical analysis it is determined that the introduction of electronic services in the process of Customs clearance and warehousing of cargoes (including the ones transported in containers) makes it possible to streamline the movement of cargo flows, reduce the processing time and improve the quality of Customs control of goods. It is shown that the organization of logistics transport and Customs systems ensures all the necessary resources and environment for the development and successful integration of the transport and logistics system of Ukraine into the European transport and logistics system. In this regard, the typical technological scheme of functioning of a logistics transport and Customs complex is suggested in the scientific paper. The approaches proposed in the paper are modular in nature and can be generalized in order to be used as some standard design solutions to modernize the technologies of the functioning of Customs restricted facilities within the logistics transport and Customs complexuk_UA
dc.publisherУніверситет митної справи та фінансівuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCustoms Scientific Journal.;2017. - № 2.-
dc.subjectlogistics transport and Customs complexuk_UA
dc.subjectCustoms restricte d facilitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectCustoms control zoneuk_UA
dc.subjectthe place of delivery of goods by vehiclesuk_UA
dc.subjecttemporary storage warehousesuk_UA
dc.subjectbonded warehousesuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Customs 2017/2

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