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dc.contributor.authorChentsov, Victor-
dc.contributor.authorPavlenko, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorTriakina, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorЧенцов, Виктор-
dc.contributor.authorПавленко, Елена-
dc.contributor.authorТрякина, Ольга-
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dc.description.abstractThis study has been carried out in the framework of the state scientific-research work “Administrative processes in the Ukrainian Customs policy implementation” (state registration number 0108U011264). The author's approach concerning the understanding of the basic principles of public administration mechanisms modernization in the field of Customs affairs is presented. In particular, through the example of the Ukrainian Customs Service the principles of the Customs modernization national system creation are shown. The authors also point out that the general methodology of the program-oriented and target-oriented approach to management clearly defines a mechanism and operational procedure for targets achieving and principles of resource support. However, the issue of designing an approach to properly identify and set Customs development goals remains very difficult. Therefore, a significant part of this research is devoted to the analysis of three existing approaches to defining objectives (defining objectives in using possibilities, optimization approach to objectives defining, adaptation approach to objectives defining). The authors emphasize the role of regulations designed to ensure the Customs modernization implementation program. Simultaneously, the scientific paper deals with the diagnostics of the Customs modernization program implementation and the corresponding kinds of control (preventive, current and final). The authors also argue that even having approved key performance indicators (KPIs) for assessing the Customs Service of Ukraine activity, at this stage there is no mechanism to ensure an adequate control over the quality of reform programs implementation. There is lack of overall estimation that would allow periodically and continually assess the effectiveness of Customs reform programs implementation. The authors have proposed a basic diagnostics technique of Customs modernization and development programs implementation and described its basic requirements. In conclusion, the authors state that a universal generalizing method of Customs modernization program implementation diagnostics is building an organizational and functional model of modernization based on the program-oriented and target-oriented approach. At the same time the basic technique can be successfully used both for the diagnostics of achieving the Customs Service targets and for public administration system in the field of Customs affairs as a whole as well as for targeting further capacity building of the Customs system.uk_UA
dc.publisherAcademy of Customs Service of Ukraineuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCustoms;№ 2, 2016-
dc.subjectpublic administration mechanisms in the field of Customs affairsuk_UA
dc.subjectprinciples of Customs modernizationuk_UA
dc.subjectprogram-oriented and target-oriented approachuk_UA
dc.subjectapproaches to defining objectivesuk_UA
dc.subjectмеханизмы государственного управления таможенным деломuk_UA
dc.subjectпринципы модернизации таможенной службыuk_UA
dc.subjectпрограммно-целевой подходuk_UA
dc.subjectподходы к определению целейuk_UA
dc.titleThe principles of public administration mechanisms modernization in the field of Сustoms affairsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПринципы модернизации механизмов государственного управления в сфере таможенного делаuk_UA
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