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Назва: ESCAP transport facilitation models – a new paradigm for cooperative border management
Інші назви: Модели Экономической и социальной комиссии для Азии и Тихого океана по упрощению транспортных процедур как новая парадигма совместного управления границами
Автори: Raj Jain, Sandeep
Радж Джейн, Сандип
Ключові слова: cooperative border management
the border crossings
inter-agency cooperation
trade facilitation
ESCAP transport facilitation models
совместное управление границами
пункты пересечения границ
межведомственное сотрудничество
Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Азии и Тихого океана
упрощение процедур торговли
модели Экономической и социальной комиссии для Азии и Тихого океана по упрощению транспортных процедур
Дата публікації: 6-кві-2017
Видавництво: Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис: 1. Accenture 2006, “Transforming global border management”, available at: http:// www.accenture.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/5969_ACCE_BorMgt_v3.pdf 2. Global Facilitation Partnership for Transportation and Trade, Explanatory Note on Integrated Border Management, June 2005 3. Kieck, Erich 2009, “Coordinated Border Management: unlocking trade opportunities through one stop border post”, World Customs Journal, Volume 4, Number 1 4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2008, Technical Note, No. 14, Border Agency Coordination/Cooperation 5. United Nations Development Programme 2007, Integrated Border Management Handbook for Central Asia 6. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 2010, Improving Border Management to Facilitate Trade in SPECA: Challenges and Prospects 7. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 1982 International Convention on Harmonization of frontier control of goods, Inland Transport Committee, UNECE, Geneva, full text available at: http://ec.europa.eu/world/agreements/prepareCreateTreatiesWorkspace/ treatiesGeneralData.do?step=0&redirect=true&treatyId=509 8. World Bank 2011, Border Management Modernization, World Bank, Washington D.C 9. World Bank 2005, Customs Modernization Handbook, World Bank, Washington D.C 10. World Bank 2011, Global Development Horizons, Multi-Polarity: The New Global Economy, World Bank, Washington D.C 11. World Customs Organization 2009, Summary Report on “Inter Agency Forum on Coordinated Border Management”, 29 to 30 June 2009, Brussels 12. World Customs Organization 2009, Coordinated Border Management – a concept paper, prepared as background paper for interagency form on Coordinated Border Management, June 2009, Brussels
Серія/номер: Customs;№ 2, 2015
Короткий огляд (реферат): The paper considers significant issues of cooperative border management that has been in vogue for some time now under similar names such as coordinated border management, collaborative border management, comprehensive border management, and integrated border management. The author states that, despite the difference in letter, the spirit of all of these approaches is to facilitate trade and transport across the borders while instituting regulatory controls. However, as the author emphasizes, many years of experience in implementing these approaches particularly in the Asia and Pacific region, indicate that cooperative border management and its other variants though easy to conceptualize pose numerous challenges during execution. The findings of the study confirm that, as a result, there is a continual search for solutions that can address increasing and pressing concerns of control authorities on one hand, and rising and expanding trade and transport on the other. Further, the study describes the models developed by ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) which provide a result-based framework for cooperative border management as a means to achieve seamless transport across borders. To discuss fully the key subject, the author used the following scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. By focusing on results and identification of bottlenecks en-route and at border crossings, coupled with technological solutions as well as flexible and practical arrangements for transport, in author’s view, the implementation of the systems based on the models will promote cooperation among agencies to reduce inordinate delays at the border crossings. The author concludes that cooperation among border agencies is inherently intractable due to multiple factors, but, nevertheless, with the result-based framework for cooperative border management as provided by ESCAP transport facilitation models the enhanced cooperation among border agencies is possible with attendant benefits to all the stakeholders.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2129
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