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dc.contributor.authorGubin, Alexey-
dc.identifier.citation1. Prikaz FTS Rossii ot 20.02.2009 №278 «O kontrol’nyh pokazatelyah effektivnosti dyeyatel’nosti regional’nyh tamozhennyh upravlenii i tamozhen, neposredstvenno podchinennyh FTS Rossii, na 2009 god» [The order of FCS of Russia from 02.20.2009 #278 «About control indicators of efficiency of activities of regional customs offices and the customs directly subordinated to FCS for 2009»]. 2. Doklad o rezul’tatah i osnovnyh napravleniyah dyeyatel’nosti Federal’noy tamozhennoy sluzhby na 2009–2011 gody [The report on results and the basic directions of activities of Federal customs service for 2009-2011] URL: http://www.customs.ru/ru/docs/indexes/. 3. Klochkov A. KPI i motivatsiya personala: polnyy sbornik prakticheskih instrumentov [KPI and motivation of the personnel: the full collection of practical tools] – Moscow, Eksmo, 2010.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEvaluation of customs performance and various indicators of such a measurement are considered; contradiction and restriction of this system are described in the article. The problems that no uniform sight of results of customs performance exists and that indicators of customs performance do not reflect its essence are discussed. The directions as to the further development of indicators are determined.uk_UA
dc.publisherAcademy of Customs Service of Ukraineuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPilot edition;2011. -№1-
dc.subjectcustoms activityuk_UA
dc.titleDeveloping of performance measurement problems for Russian customs serviceuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Customs 2011/1

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