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dc.contributor.authorPryimachenko, O.M.-
dc.contributor.authorПриймаченко, О.M.-
dc.identifier.citation1. Нестеренко Г. О. Особистість у нелінійному суспільстві : монографія / Г. О. Нестеренко. – Запоріжжя : Просвіта, 2004. – 140 с. Nesterenko G. O. Oosobystist’ u neliniynomu suspil’stvi [Personality in nonlinear society] : manuscript / G. O. Nesterenko. – Zaporizhzhia : Prosvita, 2004. – 140 p. 2. Носенко Е. Л. Емоційний інтелект: концептуалізація феномену, основні функції / Е. Л. Носенко, Н. В. Коврига. – К. : Вища шк., 2003. – 126 с. Nosenko E. L. Emotsiynyi intelekt: kontseptualizatsiya fenomenu, osnovni funktsii [Emotional intelligence: conceptualization of the phenomenon, the basic functions] / E. L. Nosenko, N. V. Kowryha. – K. : Vyshcha shk., 2003. – 126 p. 3. Gardner H. Multiple intelligences: the theory in practice / H. Gardner. – N. Y. : Basic Books, 1993. – 304 p. 4. Goleman D. Working with Emotional Intelligence / D. Goleman. – N. Y. : Bantam Books, 1998. – 383 p. 5. Mayer J. D. Emotional intelligence and the construction and regulation of feelings / J. D. Mayer, P. Salovey // Applied and Preventive Psychology. – 1995. – Vol. 4. – P. 197–208. 6. Sternberg R. Beyond IQ. A Triarchic theory of human intelligence / R. Sternberg. – N. Y : Cambridge University Press, 1985. 7. Thorndike E. Intelligence and its uses / E.Thorndike // Harpers Magazine. – 1920. – № 140. – P. 227–235. 8. Zeidner M. What We Know about Emotional Intelligence: How it Affects Learning, Work, Relationships and Our Mental Health / M. Zeidner, G. Mattews, R. D. Roberts. – USA, Massachusets, Institute of Technology, 2009. – 442 р.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “emotional intelligence” are pointed out in the article. Five key capabilities in its structure are analyzed. The main directions of research of this construct are defined from the viewpoint of their formation in the childhood and adolescence. The main drawbacks of such developmental programs are determined. The attempt to apply a systematic approach to determining the content of the formation of emotional intelligence’s techniques in the adolescence is made. Basing on Nesterenko’s approach to understanding the unity of self-development and self-regulation processes, internal content of the activity [1, р. 60], as well as on the idea of one of a leading new growth of adolescence – selfreflection (by P. Jacobson) the content of techniques for purposeful development of emotional intelligence in adolescence is proposed. It is systematically defined within the following units: cognitive, practical and correctional ones. The unit attributed to the cognitive techniques consists of introspection – self-learning – self-awareness – self-determination and self-restraint. In practical unit processes of self-authorization – self-programming – self-improvement – self-actualization and self-realization are analyzed. Accordingly, in the correctional unit it is proposed to interpret ways of developing the emotional intelligence through the processes of self-analysis, selfesteem, self-control and self-management. Through techniques of cognitive unit a teenager acquires knowledge about emotionally intelligent behavior and understands irrationality of his own range of emotional responding forms. Practical unit lets to program him on the behavior that would facilitate the development of emotional intelligence. As a result of correctional unit a teenager evaluates the efficiency of accepted forms of emotional response.uk_UA
dc.publisherСхідноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українкиuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПсихологічні перспективи;Випуск 27, 2016-
dc.subjectemotional intelligenceuk_UA
dc.subjectintegrated personal propertyuk_UA
dc.subjectdevelopmental techniquesuk_UA
dc.subjectpractical and correctional unitsuk_UA
dc.subjectемоційний інтелектuk_UA
dc.subjectінтегральна особистісна властивістьuk_UA
dc.subjectприйоми розвитку емоційного інтелектуuk_UA
dc.subjectприйоми когнітивногоuk_UA
dc.subjectпрактичного та корекційного блоківuk_UA
dc.titleThe content of emotional intelligence's developmental techniques in adoliscenceuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeЗміст прийомів розвитку емоційного інтелекту в підлітковому віціuk_UA
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